HR Viewer

The HR Viewer web part lists the results of a query created in the application.

Query Options

Query ID

Enter the Query ID, found at the top left hand side of the screen when running a query in the application, to display a specific query.


Enter the Entity reference to display the default query for that Entity.

The HR Viewer web part can receive the query information from the parameters of the URL, for example

Role Options

User Role


The web part will look at the Self Service queries for the required query.


The web part will look at the Authorised User queries for the required query.

The HR Viewer web part can receive the role information from the parameters of the URL, for example

If the Employee_ID is included as a column in the query, the results will be filtered by the currently selected employee.

Button Options

Excel Export is Hidden

The Excel button will create a text file in Excel format for further analysis or as the basis of a mail merge.

CSV Export is Hidden

The CSV button will create a text file in Comma Separated Values format for further analysis or as the basis of a mail merge.

Details is Hidden

The Details button calls HRCard.aspx to show further details for the selected record.

Details Button Caption

Override the default label of the button.

Notes is Hidden

The Notes button allows you to view notes attached to the selected record.

Close is Hidden

Hide the Close button which will close the web page.

Form Options

Show Form in a New Window

If the user is able to amend a record, should the corresponding form be opened in a new window, if not there must be a suitable form on the same page as the HR Stages web part.

HR Form Reference

If Show Form in a New Window is checked, the reference of the form to be dispayed in the new window.

Form Title

If Show Form in a New Window is checked, the title of  the new window.

Note Options

Notes are editable

Allows you to create/amend notes attached to the selected record.

Grid Options

Grid Header is Hidden

Hide the query category and name

Allow Grid Grouping

Should the user be allowed to group the records within the query

Allow Grid Sorting

Should the user be allowed to sort the records within the query